FBB works with young people from areas of socio-economic disadvantage who are passionate about football but disengaged at school, to help them finish school with the skills and grades to make a successful transition into adulthood. We do this by providing long-term, intensive support, built around relationships and young people’s passions, in the classroom and beyond.
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The company has both Boy's and Girl's Programmes for children. Our expert team consists of experienced teachers, youth workers and BACP / UKCP counsellors, who are available to support your pastoral and behaviour teams.At the heart of our programme is our social and emotional curriculum, delivered weekly at school in the classroom and on the football pitch.We develop the key CASEL skills in our young people: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making.We believe these skills are the key to success in school and beyond.
Toxic, inaccurate "we need less white players in the squad" football rhetoric. Football Beyond Borders is again doing disgusting self-promotion at the expense of hurting girls sense of self. 13% of the UK is of BAME. 3/23 players is 13%. To claim it's about the numbers is saying BAME people need to be overrepresented to feel valued. It's about equality. #WEURO2022. There are so many places society is letting down anyone who isn't white, middle class and wealthy that we need to recognise what equal representations looks like and value it, not trash it on camera for clicks.
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While the work this charity does looks to be beneficial to minority communities and individuals, the ideological tone of the rhetoric is toxic and one dimensional. Their website features an article about racism in the UK and maintains that the only possible reason for disparities between white and black pupil exclusions from school, is due to institutional racism. What an incredibly simplistic assessment of a complex sociological issue. Their website piece then goes on to deride the idea that Britain is a beacon of hope for race issues. So how come every month thousands of largely African migrants risk their lives to illegally migrate from France to the uk?? France is not a despotic country and has a large African community.
Just go into any nhs hospital and look at all the upwardly mobile ethnic minority, British doctors and consultants - clearly there is plenty of opportunity in the uk regardless of race. Even the Tory leadership race had a Nigerian lady who used to work in McDonalds, as well as several self made Asians. It’s toxic, ideallogical drivel to cry racism for any and all educational outcome differences between races. These are complex issues, eg the well documented fatherless issue amongst Afro-Caribbean boys. Compared to nearly every other country on earth, the UK has done exceptionally well to level the playing field for all citizens regardless of race.